This is an absolute BOMB of a side dish, am not even joking…serve this at dinner and you’ll
basically be awarded a Michelin star!
OPTIONAL – For 2 Michelin stars, if you have any stale bread that you’re about to chuck, blitz this up and stick it on top of this dish and bake!
Line a pan with some butter and add a little olive oil to ensure the butter doesn’t burn, keep this on a low heat and add in some chopped leeks.
Once these are softened, add in a spoonful of Moutard Anglaise (English Mustard, I have totally made that phrase up) and your cream cheese.
At this point turn off the heat.
Transfer your mixture into a bowl and top with grated cheese (and breadcrumbs if you’re going for the 2 stars), bake in the oven or air fryer for around 10 mins or until your top is nice and golden.
Stick a spoon in it and serve with dinner.
PS – Don’t forget the invite when you open the restaurant :)